Ionizing Radiation Calibration Laboratory (Centro Accredia LAT 104)
This is a secondary standard calibration laboratory in the area of ionizing radiation metrology. It was accredited in 1999 by the Italian accreditation body ACCREDIA (Formerly SIT).
Instruments are calibrated using the radiation qualities specified in the International standard ISO 4037. The calibrations are performed in two irradiation rooms hosting an X-ray tube and an irradiator equipped with sources of Cs-137, Co-60 and Am-241. Further details on the calibration can be found on the ACCREDIA website.
Laboratory of Radiation Metrology
The laboratory was established with the aim of providing services in the dosimetry and the radioprotection area, guaranteeing the quality of the measurements carried out by users. In particular, the laboratory work is focused on radon and surface contamination metrology. Founding its roots in the historical dosimetry service of CESNEF, the activities of personal and environmental dosimetry are also continued.
Scientific support is also given to the development of new detectors, the instrumentation characterization and the drafting of measurement protocols.
Also, the promotion of interlaboratory comparisons is one of the new aims of the laboratory.
Laboratory of Neutron Metrology
The laboratory of Neutron Metrology is dedicated to the study, application and development of measurement methods and techniques of neutron fields.
The laboratory hosts a neutron irradiation facility based on an Am-Be isotopic source. There are two available configurations: a fast field with an average energy of 4 MeV and an extended thermal field (thermal fluence fraction equal to 87%).
The service offered to external clients includes test, characterization and calibration of neutron monitors and personal dosimeters, carried out following the ISO Standards.